In his early days in ministry, Dr. David Yongi Cho, shared an experience that has ingrained a lesson on my mind. According to the pastor of the largest church in the world, he decided to share a motivational sermon on a Sunday morning service. Unfortunately that was the very Sunday a senior professor of psychology ( husband of a committed member who was responding to an over 5 year persuasion to come to church) showed up in church. The guest met Dr. Cho after the service for a brief chat. These were the words of the professor; “Pastor, your sermon carried snapshots of my psychology 101 lecture notes. I didn’t know my wife comes to church to listen to her own husband’s notes on psychology.

I’m curious about how my freshmen students in your church will feel about your sermon today”.
Dr. Cho felt very bad and resolved to stick to preaching “ THE DOCTRINE OF CHRIST” and nothing els for the rest of his life.

Bill Gate, Warren Buffett, and Jeff Bezos have all stated categorically that “ CHRISTIANS ARE PEOPLE WITH WEAK MINDS ”. All three have concluded that there is no need to spend 3 hours every week listening to sermons or praying about things they can naturally accomplish by discipline and hard work. To them, the gospel and church life is all about how to get things. Can we fault them?


  • I fear that if the church doesn’t distance herself from the current “GOSPEL OF KARMA” and focus on the “GOSPEL OF CHRIST ”, we will loose our significance and relevance with the millennial generation.
  • I fear that if we don’t divorce the “DOCTRINES OF DEMONS” and refocus on the “DOCTRINE OF CHRIST ” the church will loose her significance and relevance with the millennial generation .
  • I fear that if we don’t correct erroneous doctrines, and renew believe systems established by past incorrect teachings due to lack of revelation, we will loose our significance and relevance with the millennial generation.
  • I fear that if we don’t correct inconsistent perceptions about God’s image and reintroduce Him to the world as a loving father in whom is NO VARIABLENESS, we will loose our relevance and generate an apostate millennial generation.
  • I fear that if we don’t LABOUR IN WORD AND DOCTRINE for truth to be able to reveal the resurrected Christ to our respective congregations, we will soon loose our significance and relevance.

Let the worshippers arise ….🙏🙏

Author: Mr Emmanuel Karikari Prempeh

3 Replies to “I AM AFRAID!”

  1. I agree strongly. There is so much weak and twisted theology out there. I fear there is too much to overcome. However, that is a human fear. God is great. I believe that if we confess and pray for God’s intercession, he will hear our prayer and ignite his church once again.

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